Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Virtual Tour.


I don't think you can notice on this picture but there are branches on the roof that I have tried to get down multiple times...I can't take my hands off the ladder. It's silly I know. But I did learn how to trim the hedges. Pretty soon I will shape them like swans or something.

Here is where I spend the majority of my day at home. My bedroom. The walls are painted 'Ole Swimming Hole blue. Everyone thought I was nuts! I am, but I do love my new room.

When laying on my bed I watch TV on this little 20 inch screen. It doesn't bother me a bit. Infact I prefer watching TV in bed rather than out on the couch.

This is where I am right now. At my computer, which is tucked in that computer hutch. The chase lounge is where I actually do a lot of my reading. And if you look really closely on top of the computer hutch you can see my Magic 8Ball!

When I am not in my bedroom I am usually found at the kitchen table doing homework or chatting with friends.

My livingroom, is pictured below, I am never in it. I think the TV has been turned on once since I moved in and that was when I watched a movie with a friend. As you can tell I like giraffes!

Here is a picture of the boys room. Chinese Latern orange. They wanted "fire flames". Well this is pictures of what thier room did look like. I just got rid of those beds yesterday and put up bunkbeds. It gives them more room to play. But you get the point. I am trying to get or reproduce a mural of what a race car driver sees through their rearview mirror.

My daughter's room was painted "Fairy Lily". She and I both love butterflies so ofcourse her room is filled with different butterflies. I just put together an armoire for her room, which turned out to be great. I am in the process of making her a little area in the basement for an "art studio". She wants to be either an artist or an art teacher.

Thank you for letting me give you a glimpse inside...


Anonymous said...

Your house is awesome, Heather. I love the red white and blue. Very cool.

MotherTucker said...

How did I get so lucky to get a comment from you?

Thank you. My house is awesome. I do have good taste. ;)