Sunday, July 13, 2008


Do you believe in horoscopes? I read mine on occasion and today I did just that.

My horoscope is as follows "You cannot be responsible for the behavior of other people -- don't feel obligated." It than goes on to state "You need to be a bit more careful when it comes to your work or school situation -- but your instincts will guide you in the right direction. If you're not picking up on their signals, find a quiet space to think." pretty much nailed my day. I have recently become involved in a situation that I put myself in--between friends. I wish that I wouldn't have but it happened and I can't take it back.

Lately all I have been thinking about is school and having that failing grade, amongst a few other issues in my life. I have been truly thinking about dropping my summer term and starting fresh in winter. I suppose I must "find a quiet space to think" about what I really need to do. Which in theory it sounds easy and practical but how do I get the other racing thoughts out of my head? Any ideas?


DoubleJ said...

I believe in the horoscopes, sometimes they hit way to close to the situation to not be right. I think the quiet space to think part is a good idea, but good luck on the racing thoughts in your head LOL. If you do drop your summer term, you can always start again in winter, but just make sure you are back on track then. I still can't give any advice on the racing thoughts because I tried to take a nap earlier because I have to go to work at 2AM and I woke up after a half hour thinking about stuff that I can't change LOL. Bud Light makes me forget for a few but the thoughts always find a way of resurfacing sooner or later. Just remember, if you can't decide, the Magic 8Ball can!;)

DoubleJ said...

My sister has a pink Jesus Magic 8 ball and she said one of the answers she got was "Let me ask my father". I can't remember the other ones she said but that one was the best LOL. I told my family that I want a Magic 8 ball for my birthday and they laughed. I told them I would ask it if I should visit them anymore on Sundays and it would say "hell no" because they laughed at it. LOL

MotherTucker said...

Yes, the magic 8ball can decide for me; however, I am hesitant in asking my magic 8ball. I guess it is the fear of knowing.

I don't want to drop this term, but I really should have put more thought into delaying my second year till winter. I needed the break. Boy--do I ever need the break.

I have seen the pink 8ball that your sister has. I love the different terms. Mine does have a bit of different terms too.

I hate lives decisions! :)

DoubleJ said...

I showed my parents what I put on my blog about the way they dressed me and they laughed and laughed! My Mom swears up and down that the pants were not pink, but a light maroon color LMAO.

MotherTucker said...

Oh that is too much! A 'light maroon'. Hmm.. that is pretty close to pink if you ask me!

I am sure they loved to see and read your descriptons of the pictures. The pictures were adorable! And your descriptions were hilarious.