Sunday, July 13, 2008

How to spot a good woman.

I found this blog on the net and I really enjoyed it and thought that some others might like it as much as I did. Below I copied and pasted the blog along with the link to the original owner. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Without women the world couldn't exist. And not merely because of babies. Man needs woman like the earth needs the sun. There is no one reason which answers the question. There are a multitude of reasons. We don't need to go through them all. Men know women make life worth living, worth fighting for, worth improving for and worth sacrificing for. Some men even sacrifice their own values for a woman. That is a mighty draw.

We as men should give into such a strong desire for a woman worth that while.

What kind of woman is that?

Here is my take. She is a friend beyond all things. Someone you don't have to work at getting to know as she already knows you. While you don't have to be kindred spirits, you should know that together you feel really at peace. You don't have to impress as she is impressed with who you are already. To you high-school boys... you really should give that girl that dotes on you a chance. Stop dreaming of the prom queen and realize the one that wants you the most, will make your life most worthwhile. And when you get that down... you'll be a better man in your twenties. Once again you'll know what to look out for.

So now you in a relationship... how do you know she is a good woman? She thinks of you enough to make the bed with you instead of making up rules about who should make the bed. If she is a great cook, someone you can learn from... these are things you can't ignore.

A good woman isn't below you, but she doesn't want to leverage you either. There is a calm acceptance for who both of you are. Some like to think as a team. You don't have to be a team, but you sure has heck may find you work better as one. I mean to say, she doesn't have to be so close to you that you are swearing how you'll both never part, blah blah blah... but when things get difficult, there is no question she thinks of how to ease the pain in your life. I don't want to come off to any women reading this that it's about a subservient woman. It's expected that a man will do just as much for a woman as he hopes she will do for him. Please don't get the wrong idea ladies, but understand we men do have our own hopes and dreams. In the end, we are looking to know that when we have the right woman... we don't blow the opportunity before us.

Back to the guys... Men, are we not men? We like to be strong and provide, we like to know when the plumbing breaks or a fixture has a short, we know what to do instead of wondering what to do. A woman, a good woman appreciates this. And that is my point. You know you have a good woman when she appreciates these things you do. From the big to the little. From doing laundry to knowing you don't put bleach in with the colors. She appreciates that you pump her gas or drive in the middle of the night to get her medicine.

I've found a good woman isn't just a bit sassy, she's dignified in her words. She doesn't lose her temper with you and she doesn't insult you over your life choices. She doesn't bring her emotional baggage with her from past relationships. This is really important guys. Examine what you have... she may have had a really miserable past boyfriend or family that she wasn't close to, or she may be divorced... and when you are with her six or eight months and you are not hearing about any angst.... you must stop to smell the roses friend. This is a good woman. She is not like the others.

That is what you want right? A woman that is not like the others.
So when you come off that lost weekend, get your head straight and stop to appreciate "a good woman."

A good woman may find she needs to change for the better, but she doesn't do it for you. She does it for herself. If you need a woman to change her personality to fit you... then you have a decision to make. Accept her for what she is, or move on. There is no middle ground. You can't expect a democrat to become a republican; you can't expect someone that likes multiple sex partners to simply decide one is enough. Finding a good woman doesn't mean woman tht is not good is bad, it simple means she may not be right for you. The right one for you, can be your good woman.

Just don't accept someone that is not meant for you is what I'm arguing gentlemen. People are what they are, and acceptance works both ways. To accept someone for one or two reasons knowing that problems exist in your mind... means you will have to come back to this same decision later. You can not evade fate.

A good woman communicates. She doesn't deny emotions or let you both sleep on anger, resentment or any painful confrontation you could sort out before bed. A good woman doesn't want to go to bed mad at you.

A good woman will put a smile on your face even in the darkest times.

A good woman will try anything with you.

A good woman knows how to love. She never makes you wait too long.

A good woman wants sex more than you do. Actually... this is a great woman!

A good woman is someone your friends always complement when she isn't around.

A good woman is spiritual.

A good woman can be around the people you love most and care about them as much as she cares about you. If she is really good... those people will feel just as special.

A good woman doesn't start arguments. She even knows how to end them with dignity.

A good woman brings out the best in you.

A good woman has friends that always stay in touch... not just ones she knows for a year or so.

A good woman learns the little things that make you happy and she hardly if ever has to be asked to do them at the right time. If you ask, she doesn't make you feel guilty, she just says "yes."

A good woman is as creative as she is hard working. She knows when to relax too.

A good woman doesn't make excuses. In fact she has a open mind and usually opens up to get to the right answers; either on her own or with help.

A good woman doesn't let emotions dictate her character.

A good woman makes you laugh, even at yourself .

A said this once to a good woman... "She's like a great pop song you can't get out of your head."

A good woman thinks you are sexy. She likes to touch you or some special part of you, making you feel special. I suppose I should sum it up that she makes you feel special, not matter what way she does it, the result is you feel special. That's a great feeling. A good woman will do that for you, make you feel special.

A good woman helps you find the answers. She's encouraging and doesn't walk away.

A good woman doesn't admire lifestyles of low moral value. She doesn't admire people without substance. A good woman makes you proud she is with just you.

A good woman doesn't pretend to be cultured; she is.

A good woman make take time to get to know you, but only because she enjoys the experience...

A good woman enjoys the journey as much as you do.

A good woman knows that the big decisions sometimes solve themselves by not taking life too serious.

A good woman is your friend. I said that, but it's important to know that really is the how your day begins and ends with her.

I saved this for almost last.... because this one is not just a good woman... this one is a great woman. A great woman can say she is sorry. She can admit her mistake or mistakes. She can come to you and say she understands what she has in you or had in you should you even get to such an unfortunate place. Of course a great woman doesn't let a relationship capsize to that point. A great woman is great because she can say she was wrong. She can say she is sorry.

Should you have a woman like this in your life... you have a great woman.
The only bad thing I can say about a good woman is that she takes the fun out of being alone. But should you be alone... if she is still a part of your life... you are never lonely.


DoubleJ said...

Wow Heather, that is awesome! Thank you for sharing this, you are atrue friend! I would be happy with a good woman with half of those traits. :) This makes total sense! Here is the line that stuck with me the most out of this: "A good woman is your friend. I said that, but it's important to know that really is the how your day begins and ends with her."

MotherTucker said...

Exactly. That is the part that stuck out for me also. A good woman is your friend. :)

There are women out there with most of those traits. When you find one just recognize that she is a good one and let her know that.

My downfall that I need to work at is letting a guy do something for pumping my gas or carrying in my bag. It's hard for me. Even though I think it is sweet and I appreciate those 'little' things...I feel like Im being a burden. And that to me is the worst feeling.

Now I need to find how to spot a good man!!! :)

I'm on lunch from my clinicals and happened to run home to let Prince Crete out. So I need to get back to the hospital but I am glad that you enjoyed the blog. I did. It showed me ways that I can use some improvement too. I'm realizing that I am not perfect. ;) lol