Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I finished my book.

I woke up at 6:30 this morning with no alarm or any need to rush to get anywhere. It was serene.

I got up and turned my air-conditioner up—till it got real cold in here—propped my pillows on my headboard, climbed back into bed, covered up with my comforter, and finished the book I started on that stormy night. It was good. It has been a long time that I have finished a book. In fact it has been a long time that I did any sort of reading outside of my nursing books. I enjoyed it entirely.

Now it is after 1:30 in the afternoon and the only thing I have accomplished is giving myself hypothermia and the knowledge of who was behind the murders in the book I have just read. It is extremely cold in here. I actually finished the book a few hours ago but I laid in bed to think—to think in quiet. It was peaceful and I did get to review some of the thoughts and issues in my life without feeling ‘rushed’. I am thankful for today.

Other than that I have to wish James a Happy 40th Birthday! I truly hope that the rain has not ruined your Nascar Night. If it hasn’t—I expect some great pictures—ahem—Tony Stewart. Enjoy your birthday!!


DoubleJ said...

Hi Heather, I am glad you got to relax and finish your book and getting to read a book without a storm.:) Unfortunately, the races rained out and are now rescheduled for Sept. 3, 2008. Can't win them all LOL. I will have to wait to get the Tony Stewart pictures until then. Thank you for the birthday wish!

MotherTucker said...

It was nice reading a book without a storm..heck it was nice just reading a book.

I am really sorry to hear about the races being cancelled. Do you have back up plans to celebrate your big 40?