Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sick, sick, and still sick.

I got my physical done. It was the only time in my life that not only did they have to take a urine drug test, give me a TB test (even though I had proof of 2 of them in the last year), a Hep B shot (I have 1 left in the series), and titers for chickenpox and MMR. They were also trying to give me a tetnus shot too...but I promised them my 10 years were not up. All that and the hospital had no water. They had portable toliets in the parking lots. I couldn't wash my hands after collecting a urine sample. It was something else.

After the physical portion I had to go to HR and filled out what seemed to be a book of papers. I got my hospital ID badge and my parking permit. Next friday I have to go to a meeting and that is my start date but I don't know when I will actually be starting. Orientation is not till August 18th but that doesn't mean they won't start me before than. Who knows.

I got home from the physical around 10:30 and I got sick. I wish that I could have crawled into bed and slept the day away but I couldn't I had to work at noon. But what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger, right? :)

I still don't feel very well but I'm alive.


DoubleJ said...

Now that is a physical! When I went for my physical for my job 12 years ago, they had you go into a regular room for the urine test. It's kind of hard to stop going once you start LOL. This guy that went in after me said he peed all over the drapes after filling the cup because he couldn't stop LOL.

Sorry to hear you are sick and hope you are feeling better soon!

MotherTucker said...

LOL. Now why in the world would they have you go into a regular room for the urine test?! They deserved to get the drapes wet than.

Thank you, I feel better than yesterday. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be feelig like new. :)

DoubleJ said...

That is the way my company rolls LMAO. Our ice machine broke and instead of fixing it or getting a new one, they make the custodian go to the other building and fill 2 coolers full of ice. This is a multi-million $$$ company! Now they have a new system, hire a new manager and put him in charge of a manager who is in charge of a manager who etc.....LOL

I am glad you are feeling a little better!

MotherTucker said...

Ah, I love when companies are that way. I worked for Iam's which was a GREAT company till they sold it to Proctor and Gamble. After that we were not people anymore but a number. They made us work rapid rotation for 5 years. I would work Monday and Tuesday 6am to 6pm get Wednseday and Thursday off and work Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 6pm to 6am. So each time I went in it was the opposite of before. Days, nights, days, nights...I couldn't sleep...noboday got used to it. We were walking zombies.

Ofcourse the office personal came in anywhere from 6 to 9 in the morning and left whenever they needed and had long lunches. It seemed when Proctor and Gamble purchased Iams we tripled managers too.

Than Menu Foods purchased the plant and we got pay cuts and we went to 8 hour shifts BUT it was first shift for a week and than second shift for a week and than third shift for a week. It sucked.

I understand companies needing to make money but what they forget is the people doing the 'grunt' work are making them that money. :)