Sunday, July 6, 2008

Listen to your heart and follow your dreams...

It is funny how you map out your life; at least I have had thoughts of where I wanted my life to be at this age, maybe not a concrete map. I am getting close to thirty and I always pictured myself married and with kids in the quaint little town and everything was just wonderful. Now that is not my life at all. I am not married and everything is not always wonderful.

What I am coming to realize is that I don’t need a marriage or a relationship to be happy…well I have known that for awhile now. But I guess I decided that is not top of the map of my life anymore. I am completely happy with friendship. What is wrong with that? Nothing. I am finding out that you can rearrange your life map to fit who you are at different cross roads in life.

They say “when life hands you lemons--make lemonade.” I never really caught on to that concept till recently. It seemed that life was throwing those yellow fruits at me…even when my back was turned. I was afraid to open my door or answer my phone because there just might be a down pour of lemons.

This is not how I want to live. This is not part of my life map. I decided that I brought some of the lemons in my life unnecessarily. It is hard to admit. A good example is that my feelings were hurt because someone felt the same way I did? How does that work? That is just plain silly on my part. Why was it okay for me to feel that way but when the other person did…I felt rejected. This created avoidable unhappiness for me. Who in their right mind wants to be unhappy?

I had a friend a few years ago that helped me through my divorce and they gave me great advice, but at the time I didn’t understand. “Breathe, just breathe. That is all you have to do." Today I understand that advice, whole-heartedly. All I have to do is breathe.

So my new way of thinking is “Listen to your heart and follow your dreams”. Always keep in mind that your life map can change and just because something doesn’t fit--doesn’t mean it is wrong. Remember nothing is certain and nothing is written in stone. You make your own happiness and it is not someone else’s responsibility to make your life full of meaning. I decided to be miserable the last few weeks but not anymore.

Life can bring those lemons because darn it—I like lemonade!


Super Jason said...

can i be part of ur lifemap?

MotherTucker said...

You couldn't handle being in my life. Just take my don't want envolved with me. :)

Super Jason said...

ha. i been tryin for ever. i can handle u i am super jason.