Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bored with nothing to do...

I have this huge headache that won’t go away. I have tried taking something for it and it just hasn’t helped. I think it is stress related. Ugh.

Anyway, here is a picture of me today after I got done mowing. I even wore a white t-shirt while I mowed…but with proper undergarments this time.

Oh what a lovely picture it is. Haha.

I really want to play UNO or Connect Four, but I have a quiet house with nothing to do.

Oh. I did find out that my ex-husband got out prison last week and now is attending Bible College in Texas....hmmm...


DoubleJ said...

Sorry about your headache and hope it went away. My headache is just starting, getting ready to go to work.

You now know the official uniform for lawn mowing in your new neighborhood;)

MotherTucker said... is that dreaded one in the morning.

Yes, I now know the official uniform of my neighborhood! lmao

DoubleJ said...

It feels hot outside already, can't wait to get to the oven I call work. They leave the doors shut all night and when you first open the door, the heat hits you like a brick wall LOL.

You have a great day! Hopefully my post on my blog will be more interesting today. It has been a pretty dull week for me so far!

MotherTucker said...

Like my blog is that interesting. "Bored with nothing to do". That sounds so entertaining. LOL

I have been having a hard time sleeping these last few days. I have way too much in my mind.

I'm very nervous about my ex husband being released. And with me postponing any more classes for the time being...I have ALL this extra time on my hands! Well..I shouldn't say extra but it seems like a lot of time to me.

I get my physical done tomorrow for the job at the Family Recovery Unit at the hospital. So I will be starting that job soon, I suppose.

Anyway, I guess I didn't realize that the place you work at shuts the doors every night. I guess I was thinking it was only the first day of the week that it is like that. Do they not run a 24 hour line?