Saturday, July 19, 2008

Newspaper ad

Beings I am a single mom of three wonderful kids, I know the great difficulties it is to find quality daycare. It even is harder to find childcare when you are not working that 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday shift. Finding someone to watch the kids on second shift is proving to be quite a challenge. I think I am going to have to put an ad in the paper.

How about: Let me be your sugar mama. I will work if you watch my kids at night. Pay and possibly good benefits (sleeping in my bed). Cable is included on big, flat screen TV. Beer is available after kids are sleeping.

What do you think? I know I'm pulling for a man. Seriously though I wouldn't mind a male 'nanny'.

Got any ad suggestions?

All in all this is my greatest obstacle of being a single mom--Quality child care that you can afford.


DoubleJ said...

Wow, a sugar mama? What is the required uniform for this job? For your ad, title it "Ultimate Male Dream Job!"

MotherTucker said...

I guess I am going to have to discuss uniform options (or lack of...) with applicants.

If this is the ultimate male dream job...than I shouldn't find it difficult to fill. ;)

Heck, if I was thinking instead of getting a job on second shift I should have done child care on second shift. I could be home with my kids and play with someone elses. But I am too scared to change my mind about the hospital job. I got my foot in the door....

Super Jason said...

ill be ur babysitter with benefits like that