Monday, July 28, 2008

No power AGAIN!

Last night I decided I was going to cook myself supper. With it just being me, myself, and I; I haven't done much cooking. In fact, last night was the first time my oven in my new stove has been turned on.

I had my dinner in the oven and I start hearing thunder and seeing the lightening flashing. I love to watch storms so I sat on my porch for awhile. I came inside and my lights were a flickering on and off. Darn it..I knew that my power was going to go out so I get in the freezer and pop a microwave meal in and no more than thirty seconds after power was out!

Thinking that it might come back on....I waited. It didn't. I ended up throwing out both meals and running to wal-mart for something to eat. Not thinking while I was there to grab a flashlight or candles-I came home to a dark house.

Good thing it was still kinda light out because I put on a cowboy hat, took out a blanket, and sat on the porch and read 23 chapters in a book. Which was nice.

The storm did a lot to this neighborhood. My neighbor has a huge tree that I am becoming more and more leary about it falling into either hers or my house one of these times. It had a big 15 foot branch fall and block the road. I wish I would have took a picture. It is not blocking the road now but it is still on the parking. If they haven't cut it up when I get back from clinical I will try and remember to take some pictures. Oh, and the alley is blocked by a tree that fell.

Anyway, we were out of electricity for about five to six hours. I am truly sick of not having power. Like I have a choice when nature takes over. The worst thing this time was I had my clothes in the wash so I had to stay up till the power came on...I needed the clothes to be done for this morning.

Now I got myself drawn into a good book and well flashing clocks everywhere that need to be set. Oh, and don't forget the thousands of branches strung out all over my yard that I will have to clean up before I mow.

At least I have something to look forward to...


DoubleJ said...

The storms have been getting worse and more frequent this year. My power went off for a few minutes last night. Good thing it was light out so you could read but wow, 23 chapters????? I can't even sit down long enough to read a few sections of Mad Magazine anymore LOL!

MotherTucker said...

Phew...I thought that I lost my one faithful reader. ;)

I can handle a few minutes without power it it the hours that I can't take. But you are correct the storms are more frequent and fierce this year. I wonder why...

Yes, 23 chapters. It is a good book, I will have to read more tonight because I can't stand an unfinished book. It's a book by James Patterson called 2nd Chance. It is a great book.

Well you do spend a lot of time reading a day. Heck, you read my blog and sometimes that is as long as a book. lol