Friday, July 4, 2008

Ew....ah...oh...they were b-e-a-u-tiful!

Ew…ah…oh… I repeated this over and over during the amazing firework show that I watched tonight. They had an array of different colors, shapes, and sounds. I stood in amazement. My best friend told me that my next husband should propose with fireworks. I laughed…marriage is the last thing on my mind. Seriously…wouldn’t I have to have a guy in my life first? LOL I did propose to her and told her we could run to California and get married. I wouldn’t mind saying I have had 3 marriages; 2 ex husbands and an ex wife. Of course I wouldn’t just get married to get divorced. And I am not interested in having a female partner….yet. I mean if the men aren’t working out maybe sometime in the future. ;)

Anyway, tonight was a great night. We grilled out some New York strips, onions, and corn-on-the-cob. We made fruit salad, macaroni salad, and potato salad. The food was delicious! We followed it with some s’mores and margaritas. I didn’t drink much at all. Just was not in the mood to drink. I know scary, huh? I have my reasoning of not drinking and that is another story.I hope that everyone had a great view of some amazing fireworks! I tried taking pictures but it didn’t work out to well. Well I got pictures of us eating s’mores but I wanted some of the fireworks…instead I took video!


DoubleJ said...

Wow, 2 ex husbands and an ex wife? ;)
It sounds like you had a good 4th of July, with good friends, good food and good fireworks! It is kinda hard to get pictures of the fireworks, you need to turn flash on camera off and use shutter speed between 1-4 seconds. I have tried to take some pictures before and a few actually turned out. Okay, please explain the other story of why you didn't drink very much:)

MotherTucker said...

I know how cool would I be to have 2 ex husbands and an ex wife? ;)

I did enjoy my Fourth of July! Thanks for the advice on getting some firework pictures. I'll have to try that. :)

Super Jason said...

glad u had a good 4th. want to make fireworks? i no ur busy but how bout that movie?

MotherTucker said...

Movie is going to have to wait. I have lots of homework tonight. Paperwork, got to love it.

As for the 'making fireworks'all I can say your wildest dreams.

MotherTucker said...

By the way do you ever work? I mean shoudlnt you be working instead of posting on my blog? Hmmm...maybe I need to get a job there!