Monday, July 7, 2008

Daytona Speedway

Daytona Speedway....

I think this was in 2004 or 2005. I know at the time I felt pretty lucky to spend the ten seconds in the winners circle. I got to do a tour of the track and the picture below shows the construction they were doing to a turn. I have never been to an official Nascar race but it is on my to do list. got me looking through pictures. Now you are in trouble! haha! I haven't found the one of my enduro car...yet...but be it known I am looking...


DoubleJ said...

Awesome, keep on posting! Daytona Speedway and victory lane at the legendary NASCAR track. You are going to make me jealous;) I am really enjoying all of your posts and now you have forced my hand, tomorrow or tonight if I have time, I am going to start posting some pictures from my past, be prepared LOL.

MotherTucker said...

Bring it! I am glad I am forcing your hand. I can't wait to see your past.

The tour at Daytona Speedway was nothing less than great. I was happy to have went. See don't let my ex hubby know but I do like the races...I was raised with the racing blood too. ;)

I haven't came across my enduro car yet...but I haven't looked at anymore pictures since last night. BUT I did talk to my cousin Mikey and asked him if he happened to have one on hand. Well...he wasn't sure if he did or didn't. He did happen to say he might be able to do one better. He thinks he has the video of my enduro race. Oh yea! He asked me what year that was and I think it was in 1995 or 1996. So he is going to check that out for me. But no fear, I know I have pictures just haven't got to them yet. :)

DoubleJ said...

I will start posting some tomorrow but if a few get out, I will be ruined forever LOL. One of the pictures is of me in 1973 at the very young age of 5 in a blue leisure suit on Easter Sunday LMAO. If any one I work with sees that.......well, I don't want to think about that, but I will post it tomorrow along with some others! Have a great evening!

MotherTucker said...

Aw...what's the name of the plant you work at again? ;)

I can't wait! I absolutely love pictures and looking back in time. If it is my past or a friends past.

I will be going through some more pictures and posting them when I can. I haven't decided if I was going to Kanasas City or not if I do I won't have time to get much up this week beings I have classes and paperwork. But I will try. :)

I am seriously giddy at the moment!