Sunday, July 27, 2008

What I wouldn't do...

Have you ever had one of those days that you come home and just want someone to spoil you? Of course you have. That is me today.

My feet are throbbing! What I wouldn't do for a great foot massage. MmmmMmmm....

I guess I will be soaking them later even though it is not the same as a massage. See there are reasons that I want a guy in my life...but I have more reasons not to date right now.


Tomorrow at clinicals we are going to spend the day at the park and pick out our patient. I think I might let the patient pick me out instead. We will see.


DoubleJ said...

Good luck tomorrow. I was asked to go to some races today at Lincoln Speedway and went. I just got back and have to go to work in a few hours. It was worth it though LOL. It was nice to sit in the crowd and watch some racing for once. I was surprised to know so many people there and to be recognized by some people. I will have some race pictures and a story up tomorrow. Have a great Monday.

MotherTucker said...

Thank you.

I must be talking to a superstar-being recognzed at other tracks. ;)
I am glad to hear that you had went to enjoy yourself at the races as a fan.

Looking forward to your post. Enjoy your day.