Saturday, July 12, 2008

Old Love

Tonight I ran to Wal-Mart for a specific item…that I can’t mention…yet…but they didn’t have it. So I did some random back to school shopping for the kids. I got most of their supplies besides notebooks and scissors. It was odd really, they didn’t have them either!

Anyway, I wandered around the store mostly out of boredom and did some people watching. Have you ever just watched people and how they act? I am guilty. I enjoy seeing different people and how they react to situations. Like the parent who’s kid is throwing a fit and wanting a toy. I am shocked on how many parents give in and give the brat the toy. I can say brat because I have kids of my own and my kids have acted that way in public. I won’t get started on parenting…not at this moment.

I seen a couple that just made my heart smile. They had to be in their late 60’s or early 70’s, well that is my best guess. You could just see the love they had for each other. I don’t see many older couples holding hands and watching these gray-haired lovebirds do just that-- made me smile. I can only hope that I will be that lucky at that age.

Needless to say Wal-Mart did not have what I was looking for so tomorrow I will have to try Target.

1 comment:

Super Jason said...

what did they not have?