Monday, July 14, 2008

A child's love...

So I had clinical today at the hospital in town. I had to go to a vaccine meeting with the nurses that I am ‘shadowing’ with. This worked out good for me because it did save me a half hour drive one way to the town that I am usually going to.

I came home for my lunch break to let Prince Crete outside to go to the bathroom and posted a quick post about friendship—as you can tell. Duh!

Anyway, I checked my mail and I had a card from my youngest which just about made me cry. Now, the card itself is ‘strange’ at best, but I do understand why he picked it. I love butterflies and it had a huge butterfly on the front…but…it was a “so sorry for your loss” card. That is okay…I loved it!

Inside is written “I love you. How is your summer? How are you? How is your day? How are you doing? How was today? I love you very much. Love, Dalton”-- all in his penmanship. Now if that is not too sweet in itself he taped a quarter, dime, and two pennies inside. This just brought tears to my eyes. I have been sending the kids a card weekly asking them questions like Dalton asked me. I also have been sending them each a little bit of money to buy treats when they go to the gas station or to the pool. If you haven’t figured it out yet—he sent me money to buy myself something.

This is why I know that kids are priceless. An instant like this makes the struggles in life worth every moment. A child's love is worth more than anything that I have ever expierenced.

This just made me miss my kids more…

I did thank my ex-husband for helping Dalton to do this. It was Dalton's idea but someone needed to behind him to buy the card and postage.


DoubleJ said...

That is very sweet. Sounds to me like you are raising them right! You should be very proud.

MotherTucker said...

Well thank you! It did make my heart 'flutter'.

I hope I am raising them right.

I absolutely love kids. :)