Tuesday, July 15, 2008


You are looking at a person who broke their bowling record. Oh yea!

Yup, I am good. I even conquered a 7-10 split—I am that good.

I dominated the game….and when I say game I mean the bowling game that comes with the wii.

Yea, I kicked butt.

Any challengers? No.

That is what I thought.


DoubleJ said...

Congrats on breaking your Wii bowling record. I am not very good at it, I have played about 5 or 6 times. I am seriously thinking about getting a Wii sometime soon. I will post something on my blog tomorrow, been kind of behind, had to get the rest of my stuff from my ex's attic yesterday and today and had to sort through it and throw alot of stuff out as I don't have much room here LOL.

MotherTucker said...

I was beginning to think that you gave up on posting. ;)

At least you got some stuff accomplished. :)

I suck at bowling, hence how excited I am that I beat my high score...which isn't that high. It is fun though!

Have you slept at all yet?

DoubleJ said...

Yes, I fell asleep for a few hours earlier, I was exhausted after work and then getting my stuff. At least it is done now. I am going to go swimming at the pool in my apt. complex tomorrow, was going to go today but the nap killed that plan LOL. Have a great evening and I will post something tomorrow on mine!

MotherTucker said...

Ah...swimming. Sounds fun! You are lucky to have the facilities right at your apartment. :)

I bet you were exhausted. I for one can't pull myself away from the computer today. Hmmm...

Looking forward to your post tomorrow. :)

Super Jason said...

i will play u.

MotherTucker said...

I would whoop you at it. You would be asking for humilation.