Monday, July 14, 2008

A real friend...

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out."

It is the actions that seem to count the most in friendship whether they be big or small. In a time when we can chat effortlessly by text and email, talk is getting cheaper. Many people consider that the sign of true friends is what they do to show their loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, or willingness to make a sacrifice when you need help.

What do you call a good friend?

Sometimes the most cherished acts of friendship are those for which you expect to get nothing in return, not even the credit for your good deed. Isn’t that what friendship has to be about? At times at least? Or do you expect things to be 50/50?

What happens when a friend is not there when you need them to be, do you wait till they are ready or give up because they are not meeting what you need out of a friendship?

Many times I have learned the true value of friendship after it was gone. It’s sad…but true.

Disclaimer: This is not about any of my friends that read my blog. SO--if you read this is NOT about you.


DoubleJ said...

This is a great topic. I have some friends to call when I need help, and they will drop what they are doing and help. I have other friends who will just text or talk through the day and give me a much needed laugh. I have dropped what I was doing to help friends out and tried to talk to them when they are down and make them laugh also. I really don't have a system to count or to keep track of it. I will make cd's for friends or help them with some computer trouble or loan them movies. I don't really keep track of the things like in a its your turn kind of way. My closest friends have been there for me every time I needed help moving or was severely depressed. They would invite me out and make sure I had a great time and forgot about what was bothering me. I have some of the best friends a person can have. Sometimes, I feel like I don't do enough for them!

MotherTucker said...

I sometimes have that feeling that I don't do enough for my good friends either.

I'm not one who expects 50/50. I am not one that keeps track of who does what.

I do, however, think that in some cases my needs aren't met from certain friends. I hope that doesn't sound greedy...maybe I am not saying it correctly. Basically a friend that is not there when you need a friend--for whatever reason--maybe isn't worth the time of my friendship.

I love all my friends! I have amazing friends. Some that are great at listening, some for advice, some are fantastic at cheering me up, etc... I do think for the majority of the time I am the same to them.

I think sometimes people don't understand what a friend is because they are a 'me-me' type of person. And that is truly sad in my opinion.

Talk is cheap...period. People can promise or say things and they assume that makes it as they are a good friend. Wrong! A good friend shows, by actions, that they are a good friend. Does that make sense?

I mean I can say "James, I know you have been wanting a Magic 8ball. So I am going to get you one. I am also going to come over this weekend and hang out." Those are all words untill I go through with what I obligated myself to do. I can promise or say just about anything but unless I do what I say...they are only words...

DoubleJ said...

That doesn't sound greedy at all. They would expect you to be there when they need something. This all makes total sense, but after a while, you can see who actually "does" and who just "talks about what they are going to do" and then you have found who your real friends are.