Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I will have to keep an open mind

Day two in Community Health was an experience to say the very least. We had to discuss and agree upon a presentation that we will hold for the senior center in three weeks. Of the topics that came up were of diabetes, elderly car safety, heat stroke, dehydration, identity theft, and depression we picked to make our presentation about heat stroke and dehydration. Obviously this was a good choice because we are getting to the hottest days of summer. We made posters, handouts, power point, visual aids, even a game to promote learning.

I found out that I can cut pretty good clouds and grass out of construction paper. So if nursing doesn’t pan out for me…maybe preschool teacher?

Along with all the information, we decided that we will collect money and give away water, sunscreen, etc to the seniors that do attend. When gathering all of our information a couple of us wondered if there was any type of utility help that the low-income seniors could possibly receive to help with their summer cooling bills. To my great surprise there really is not such a program in effect. Now they have a program to help with heating bills but not so much with the cooling bills. We did get referred to the Salvation Army who if income and other requirements are met some can receive a one time payment of seventy-five dollars for cooling costs.

This really did shock me in some ways. There are many people, mostly elderly, that die a year from heat related injuries so I didn’t understand why there is not a program for the low-income elderly population. Maybe I will have to write a letter to see if there is anything that can possibly be added to the existing heating bill allowance for the equally important cooling bill.

All in all I am really enjoying my Community Health rotation. Next week I am one on one with a nursing clinic that makes home visits and has a clinic for clients to come to. Rumor has it they will have a WIC program going on so I can do immunizations for clients. I am sure that in the area that I will be at is going to give me some very interesting experience.

Let me just say it shall be interesting and I will have to keep an open mind to others beliefs.


Super Jason said...

u are such a good girl

MotherTucker said...

What is wrong with being a good girl?

Super Jason said...

nothing. im diggin it. just wish u would see how great u are.