Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Attitude is everything.

I can’t say how much my previous post “Listen to your heart and follow your dreams” is true. I decided to be miserable and than decided that I was going to change my mood. I did just that. I want to be happy. I want to smile and mean something. So I started to smile and people have shown that I do mean something.

I stated “actions speak louder than words” in a different post and what I forgot was people also perceive my non-verbal communication more than my verbal. I am sure that lately I put off the vibe of being unhappy, sad, and well I just didn’t want to be bothered. Now if you talked to me I surely said that I was fine and everything was well and that you are not a nuisance—which is true--but my non-verbal communication was telling a different story.

I changed my actions to coincide with my spoken words. I started to act happy and be happy. It seriously made a huge difference.

In fact…on another note…my Magic 8ball was correct again! I received a call from the Family Recovery Unit at the hospital and was offered the job. Bonus—no overnights! I will be working second shift which is going to be slightly difficult but manageable. I will have to work every other weekend and a few nights during the week. Hopefully it all works out and I just don’t fall over from exhaustion.

And heck, how can I not be happy? I have great kids, great friends, and great family.


DoubleJ said...

Awesome! Congratulations on the job! And a lot of people don't believe in the magic 8ball but we know it works:) I am glad that you are happy!

MotherTucker said...

Thank you!

Heck, magic 8ball never strayed me wrong. :)

DoubleJ said...

I really need to get one of those. EBAY, here I come! ;)

MotherTucker said...

LOL need a magic 8ball. I believe everyone does! Mine hasn't steered me wrong. ;) But I found mine in an estate sale and it is a bit different than the original...but I also have an original for the kids to play with.

DoubleJ said...

I just bid on a Magic 8 Ball on EBAY. It ends Saturday, wish me luck:) I also posted the pictures in question on my blog. It will be interesting to see how quick putting them on there comes back and bites me on the butt LMAO.

MotherTucker said...

I already commented on those adorable pictures! I am thankful that you shared them with me. Thank you much!

You will have to let me know if you win the magic 8ball or not. Be careful on always sucks me in to buy more than what I intended to. ;)