Sunday, July 20, 2008

Power outage

Late last night I was looking items up online. It started with the pool that I just purchased and progressed to the big blow up waterslides. I read about the waterslides and than I thought about the big bouncy houses consequently I looked them up too. After reading about the many types of bouncy houses, some which have a waterslide hooked to the house itself, I than started to think about my favorite holiday—Halloween.

I get online and I searched “Haunted Houses”. I know that they make blow up haunted houses and I wanted to price them. I think it would be amazing to have one and set it up for the neighborhood kids, a Halloween party for my kids, or even when passing out candy on Halloween when my kids are done trick-or-treating. I want to be one of those “you never want to miss houses” on Halloween. I want the whole shebang. It might take years to get there…but I will have one of those houses.

Anyway, this was just about one in the morning when I was surfing the net looking at actual Haunted Houses in and out of the United States. I was reading about stories and claims of people who experienced the paranormal activities in there own homes. Well deep in thought about all the Haunted Houses….my power goes out…we had a big storm.

No big deal, right? Wrong!

I am scared of the dark.

Yes, Heather Tucker, who loves all things scary, is afraid of being in the pitch dark.

I know this doesn’t make sense so let me try and explain. I am ONLY afraid of the dark when I am absolutely alone. I have to sleep with my TV on or my nightlight on. If there is someone sleeping in bed with me…I’m fine. It is that comfort feeling. I can handle Haunted Houses, being outside at all hours of the night, it s only when I am alone that I have this intense fear.

I did what any other irrational person would have done—ran to my bed and put the covers over my head. I’m not kidding. I had my cell phone so I thought I’d call a friend to get my mind off of it. So I call a guy friend who is up at that time. Big mistake—I soon found out.

Thinking that this guy would be compassionate about my fear, I was wrong. Not only did he keep bringing it up, he started to add to it. For instance, saying you are afraid of the dark what if someone tried to break in. I was like shut up. This is a genuine fear. I was and am angry with this friend. He made fun of my fear and instead of just having a conversation with me he kept bringing it up—thinking it was funny.

I ended up hanging up.

I called my sister, who was actually awake, and she too is afraid of the dark. We talked till my battery died on my cell phone. Within fifteen minutes of that my power was back on, thankfully.

Call me a baby, say it is ridiculous, whatever…I have the fear of the dark…and well worms. Ew.

Disclaimer: I know this guy friend of mine reads my blog on occasion AND this is about you!


MotherTucker said...

Side Note: I don't have a flashlight. I don't have a lighter beings I am a non-smoker. (I use a candle warmer instead of lighting them). It was scary.

DoubleJ said...

I have used my cell phone a couple of times when the power went off. It lights up enough to walk around a little. My biggest fear when the power goes out is trying to get to the flashlight and tripping in the dark and breaking something like me!

MotherTucker said...

At least you would have a flashlight! I need to buy one or two.

I seriously laid in bed with the covers over my head which seemed like hours while talking on the phone!

Super Jason said...

u could have called me i would have came and took care of ya