Monday, July 14, 2008

My near death experience.

I think I am recovering from a panic attack--seriously. I was in the bathroom when my heart started to race and my palms got sweaty; I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath. That is a panic attack, correct? Well that was what happened. I felt as if I was a fish out of water trying to breathe. I thought I was dying.

What caused this near death experience…let me tell you…a gray hair! Actually more than one gray hair—there were gray hairs!

So after I plucked those invading my youth, I decided to inspect the signs of aging. I think I have a wrinkle—well maybe a start of a wrinkle. When the heck did this all start?!

I am twenty-eight years old. That is 344 months old or 1,495 weeks old or 10,466 days old.

Wrinkled was not one of the things I wanted to be when I grew up.

All things considered, I think I have been taking aging gracefully…


DoubleJ said...

I seriously hope that you are okay, and it definitely sounds like you had a panic attack. I found a gray moustache hair a few weeks back, and I laughed about it. Sooner or later, more will appear. Here is a good one for you, I am not even 40 yet and I keep getting AARP membership applications in the mail and they even sent me a membership card LOL. I carry it around with me as a joke at work and at the races. Don't let aging bother you, it is just a part of life!

MotherTucker said...

Wow...consider yourself lucky getting the benefits of AARP already. lol

Oh, I really didn't have a panic attack...I just couldn't believe that I had so many of those gray hairs!

I was being more 'funny' than true in that post. Although I don't want to get any older...I know it is a way of life. :)

How's your day?

DoubleJ said...

LMAO. Now that is funny right there. Now I know how a fish feels after getting the hook set. My day is going pretty good, how is yours going? I am really tired today, hopefully will catch up on some zzz's tonight!

MotherTucker said...

Well, every once in awhile I try and be a bit funny. It happens on occasion.

My day is great. Thank you for asking. It made my day even better that someone cared to ask how my day was. You are a great friend. Thank you.

Umm..I kinda didn't go to clinicals today. I had a lot of things that I had to get done around town. I had no other choice. But all is good.

Good luck trying to catch up on your sleep. My mama always told me once you lost never get it back. In some ways I think she is right. Have you ever slept so much that you are exhausted from oversleeping?