Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Proof...I graduated!

Today was a fabulous day! Not one complaint....I wish all days were like today.

Anyway, I had a great clinical experience today. I think I might have found my calling. Yup-I do!

I will post later about that.

Anyway, I get home and what is in my mailbox....my diploma.

Some don't really know how big of a deal this little diploma is. I didn't graduate high school. Not because I wasn't smart enough, or I was a troubled teen, but because I made a stupid decision and decided to drop out of high school. So this diploma is my first ever...along with my first tassel.

I didn't go to my graduation ceremony. I told everyone that it was no big deal and that I didn't want anyone to make a big deal about it. I kept saying, next year is going to be my actual graduation-when I get my R.N.. To be honest I wish I would have went to my pinning ceremony and my graduation ceremony. Mark my word...when I graduate with my R.N. I am going to make a big deal out of it.


DoubleJ said...

Congratulations Heather! I am glad you had a fabulous day and hope tomorrow is even better!

MotherTucker said...

Thank you! :) How was your day?

DoubleJ said...

My day was quick and painless, thank you! It was a fast day at work and a fast night working on pictures and Bud Light LOL. How was your day?

MotherTucker said...

Ah, a quick and painless day...you can't beat that!

Anytime a night has Bud Light...it seems to be a pretty good one. ;)

My day was AMAZING! Thank you very much for asking.

Did you get all the pictures done?

Super Jason said...

congrats. its a big deal. lets celebrate

MotherTucker said...

Thank you Jason.