Friday, July 18, 2008

Lets get physical...

I am on my way to get my physical needed for the Family Recovery Unit job that I will be starting I believe August 18th....well that is orientation. I'm excited.

Yesterday I went to the college and dropped my classes and the person I spoke to in the Health Occupations was very helpful and pulled a few strings to get me to stay in the clinical portion of nursing so when I start back on in the winter term I won't have to redo any of the clinical that I did this summer. This works out famously for me because the summer term costs came right out of my pocket. She also registered me for a few classes for fall that I can do online at home....and they count for my nursing degree when I start back up in winter.

I was so nervous about dropping...but with life at the moment I couldn't concentrate or retain any information. After speaking to them and explaining my life situation they were very understanding and helped in everyway possible.

On another note..I was mistaken. My ex husband is on parole. I thought he served his full sentence but he didn't. I guess his full sentence was 12 years and he served 8 of them so he is on parole for 4 years. That does ease my mind a bit because he has got to watch his actions for 4 years or he goes back to prison. It is only a small relief but I will take it.

Anyway, I am out the door to get my physical done...


DoubleJ said...

Good luck with your physical. Sorry you had to drop some classes but at least they worked with you on it.

Its nice that you got some relief, you needed it! I will post something tonight after the races.

Super Jason said...

did u pass ur pee test? haha