Thursday, July 3, 2008

Life through a childs eye.

I have a good friend who has a three year old. We cook for each other, study together, drink with one another, and even do some shopping together. In short…we spend much of the day with one another. This also means I spend a lot of time with the three year old.

I love kids. I love what comes out of their mouth. They are brutally honest at times and don’t even realize it. The little things in life seriously make them happy. Who else do you know would be ecstatic by getting pushed in a swing for ten minutes, using sidewalk chalk, or just a plain old hug? Kids do all of these. I believe it is because they still have their innocence. Don’t get me wrong I love playing and coloring but I am not so overjoyed by it that I would talk about it for days like a child would. Okay…maybe I would, but you get what I am saying. For the most part kids are not greedy. They don’t need the material things like some adults; they have their imagination.

I think us adults have a lot to learn from a child. Parents spend their entire life trying to teach their kids values. Sometimes I think if the parent slows down and sees the world as in the eyes of a child; if it is watching the clouds go by, pretending to fly, or one of the endless ways, it will open up a whole new way to see life.

Anyway, we were all at the store and my friend says to her three year old “Come on, let’s go pay”. The child notices that I wasn’t following because I was still shopping. So she stops and yells “Come on Ho!” Yes, this three year old can’t say Heather so I am known as “ho”. Its “Ho come here” or “Ho look at this” or “color with me Ho”. Now I would be lying if I said I didn’t find this comical. I do. However we did get some awful looks from other shoppers.

I often sit and wonder...what would life be through my kids eyes...

I haven't got that answered. BUT I am working on it.


Super Jason said...

funny. kids seem to like u. u do get very happy over little things. u are easy to plese. i love seeing ur cheesy smile like the time u made me go to the park with u and you swinged forever it seemed.

MotherTucker said...

I had a lot of fun that night swinging. I love things like that.

Is there something wrong with being easy to please or to get overly excited about the small things?

Ofcourse kids like me...I'm fun. :)