Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rained out!

Well I needed to mow my grass today...After a few days of rain it made it grow fast…

I just came in from ‘attempting’ to mow and let’s say without thinking I gave a neighbor a show. This is embarrassing!

I was and am in my pajamas and thought I should go out and at least mow my back yard because it was getting pretty high. Well, when I say my pajamas, I mean some pajama shorts and a tank top….without undergarments…nothing like setting up the story.

Anyway, I started to mow and got the back yard done and even though the sky was getting dark and it was thundering I thought that I would get as much as I could. I was up front and it started to pour and my poor neighbor was outside sitting on his deck under his nice big umbrella. I shut off the mower, obviously, I can’t mow anymore. My nice neighbor made a cute ‘lil comment and asked me if I would come mow his grass. Thinking nothing of it, I still didn’t understand what was going on till I looked down. Talk about an uncomfortable situation.

I got the lawn mower put up and now in the house….dry

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