Sunday, July 13, 2008

More work than what I bargained for...

I started to clean out my basement. Now this is going to be a heavy job. There is boxes, suitcases, milk crates, an antique stove, and many random items to be removed so I can sweep mop and possibly paint the ground and walls that…oh what’s it called…garage floor paint? I don’t know. I do know this is more work than what I wanted to do.

So far I only got up a few boxes, posters, one suitcase, a laundry basket, and a TV tray. I have been nosily going through the stuff as I take it to the curb. So it is definitely taking more time than what I assumed. I found a complete set of Encyclopedias. I don’t know from what year….but I think I might put those on a bookcase on the back porch for the kids. In a box that was kept up off the ground I found some really old history books that are amazing, they are going to be next to the Encylopedias. I threw away many boxes of books so far. I would have loved to gone through them but they kept them in the basement and well…most of them are ruined from moisture. I am running a dehumidifier at all time and it seems to be working great down there.

Hmm…there is about five years of the original Nintendo magazines in milk crates and so much Star Wars stuff like posters and life size cutouts. Paint by the gallons and rugs that should have been thrown out forty some years ago. Now that is the stuff that I visually seen without looking into depth but of course there is an over abundance of garbage to; Beer bottles (which are not mine), Styrofoam, canned food, etc.

Since I have been down there I now feel cobwebs all over me now. And there are none on me. It gives me the heebie-jeebies!

I have a lot more work to do down there. It will get done….eventually.

Tianas’ room is located down there but it doesn’t seem to be affected by the normal moisture smell. Maybe because it is a finished room and I guess it has all the proper venting and with me running a dehumidifier at all times I can only assume that helps. When it is said and done she will have an amazing area. After I get it cleaned up and possibly painted I will get her ‘art studio’ set up.

I am keeping the back portion of the basement for storage. This area is out of sight of Tianas’ room and where her art area will be. I might be nice and hang a curtain up so she doesn’t have to see my mess at all.

Hmmm…has anyone else noticed that I am stalling because I don’t want to go back down there?


DoubleJ said...

You need a person classified as a mule to help you carry the stuff out. I would help if I was closer.

The encyclopedias and history books will save you some trips to the library when the kids have to do some reports in school.

You might want to try and sell the Nintendo Magazines and Star Wars stuff on EBAY if they are in decent condition.

Good luck with the cobweb heebie-jeebies. I hate walking through those things myself LOL.

MotherTucker said...

I feel awful for my garbage men this week. Poor guys are going to hate me!

I took a picture of what I carried to the curb. I am alomst too ashamed to post it on my blog!

Here you can put anything and any amount of grabage out to the curb and they take it...reguardless.

I didn't want to hassle with selling anything on eBay with what my life is like right now. I have too much chaos as it is! The magazines and some of the Star Wars items were in great condition.

I have a few more things to get out of the basement but seriously the majority of the stuff is out on the curb. Some of the items I will need help lifting because I won't be able to carry them myself. I do have a lot of cleaning left to do. Lucky me! ;)

That is very sweet of you to offer your services if you were closer. :) Thank you.

Super Jason said...

did u get it all done?

MotherTucker said...

I got the majority of it finished. I do need to actually get to the cleaning of sweeping and mopping. I have a few bigger items that I can not bring upstairs myself. But, for the most part it's getting there.