Saturday, July 5, 2008

Welcome to my world...

Beings I am trying to post a little something that happens in my life everyday and so far what is going in my life is as follows (in no particular order):

1. I miss my kids, terribly.

2. I lost a friendship from someone that I held dear to my heart.

3. My daughter’s heart was broken by my ex-husband, not her biological dad, but the person that raised her.

4. I am failing a class.

Now don’t get me wrong I have a lot of positives in my life. I am genuinely a happy person and I am content in my life. I’m not a ‘Negative Nancy’. I enjoy life and what life has to offer.

1. I miss my kids, terribly. Well that statement is obvious. They have been away since the last day of school on June 6th. My kids haven’t been gone a month and I’m lost without them. They won’t be home for another thirty-six days, but who is counting?

2. Over a year and a half ago I met a guy and through the months we became great friends. One of those friendships that don’t come around every day. Anyway, we tried to date and it didn’t work out. We never fought and we got along great, but to him there were no feelings to build on. It hurt my feelings, I won’t lie. I lived but now I miss our friendship and I'm not sure if he does. So I'm not sure if there is anything can be done.

3. My daughter loves my ex husband just like any of us loves the man that raised them. She gets treated different from the boys beings they are his actual children. She notices this and it hurts her feelings. She at times is torn between wanting to see this man, her dad, and staying behind because of the differences. She doesn’t understand the situation. Fourth of July she got to see this man as he truly is and it broke her heart. Let’s just say I pride myself on not cursing or calling my ex husband names, but he got an earful last night. I’m not proud of letting him get the best of me but it happened.

4. This term has been extremely difficult for me. I can’t seem to get into the mode of retaining any information. I have failed my first test. It was a horrible feeling. I studied for 3-4 hours the night before and to get that failing grade…sucks! So for the next test I have read the chapters and all notes given, answered the chapter reviews, filled out the study guides and failed again. Pathetic. I don’t know if I have too many distractions in life at the time or if I am not getting the material.

Anyway, that is a short summation of what is in my brain today.


DoubleJ said...

Your kids will be back soon, hang in there! Seems like you need to relax your mind a bit and not think too much but I am the wrong person to give that advice, as that would make me a hypocrite.

MotherTucker said...

I know that my kids will be back soon. I'm trying to hang in there.

If i knew how to shut my brain off I surely would! LOL

Super Jason said...

im sorry u miss ur kids they are good kids. the friendship mite not be worth it. ur ex is a ass. i cant help u with the class.

MotherTucker said...

Yes, I am truly lost without my kids.

As for the friendship...I will decide that. I always think that there is a silver lining to every situation.

I agree about the ex-husband though.

Well I am not sure if anyone can help me with my class or not. Time will tell. :)