Above is one of my favorite stories to tell about my youngest, Dalton. We were at Disney in line to meet Mickey Mouse. Every kids dream, right? Well Dalton to say the least is not shy, never has been. He was standing next to me while we waited in the HOT sun in a line that NEVER moved. All of the sudden I hear people behind me laughing. I turn to see what was going on and there is my son with his shorts down peeing on Mickey Mouse's pumpkins. These are not any pumpkins they are shaped with Mickey Mouse ears and all. I yelled "Dalton!" and he pulled his pants up as fast as he could...and as you can tell he wasn't done. You can tell by the picture below that he was angry at me. He was embarassed. This story always makes me smile. And Dalton tells it better than what I do. :)
Below is a picture of Ian between 4 and 5 years old.. I can't believe how much he has grown. We were at the Omaha Zoo, in Omaha, NE. The best zoo I have been to. This was taken in the jungle. We always enjoyed our trips there. Seriously it is a great zoo. Ian loved the zoo more than any of my kids.

Down below is my favorite picture of Dalton. It was also taken in the jungle at the Omaha Zoo. Now that is a face a mama can love. Dalton had to be between 2 and 3 in this picture.

Down below is my favorite picture of Dalton. It was also taken in the jungle at the Omaha Zoo. Now that is a face a mama can love. Dalton had to be between 2 and 3 in this picture.

Tiana in her very first go-cart. Got to teach them young. This was in Yankton, SD. She was only 3 1/2 years old. Lets say I was thankful she was the only one on the track!
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