Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Can't a girl have a break?

All in all it turned into a really crappy day.

I am going to spare many details and just say I have decided to postpone any more schooling that I have for the time being--hopefully not indefinitely--I'm still in some classes and clinicals. Things happen for a reason, right?

I didn't even get a chance to fail my class!

It has been one thing after another this summer. Can’t a girl have a break?

Seriously if karma exists and “what comes around, goes around”; I must seriously be one messed up, cruel person.

On a good note, I decided to rent a movie…umm…Stop-Loss. The guy that was working at the video store suggested to me. I never heard of it before; I am taking him by his word…

Here is the plot summary: “Decorated Iraq war hero Sgt. Brandon King makes a celebrated return to his small Texas hometown following his tour of duty. He tries to resume the life he left behind. Then, against Brandon's will, the Army orders him back to duty in Iraq, which upends his world. The conflict tests everything he believes in: the bond of family, the loyalty of friendship, the limits of love and the value of honor.”

Hmm…I guess it’s time to put it in.


Super Jason said...

how was the movie?

MotherTucker said...

It was good. I know nothing about military life so I have nothing to base the movie on. It did entertain me though. I have high respect for the men and women out there that live either in the military or being family of a person in the military.

I guess before the movie I knew nothing about "Stop-Loss" and that is truly a sad thing to happen to these troops who are expecting to come home. I did google "Stop-Loss" and found out many troops are getting "Stop-Lossed" now. They described it best as a 'back door draft'.

I read somewhere that the troops were getting a 1500 dollar monthly (plus there normal wages)for reinstated even if they only serve one day in that month. Now that is good but that is if they reinstate before they get "Stop-Lossed".

Hmmm...I have high respect for the military men and women...they are truly unselfish people.