Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I don't like your voice...

I have heard many strange things in my life and I am positive I will hear many more—I can only hope. I love unusual comments and statements…more so when they are directed at someone else and not myself, but it does happen.

Today I was attending a group on social interactions. In this group we were handed a piece of paper and we needed to write our fears. I wrote down my most common fears:

I have a fear of the dark.
I have a fear of bridges.
I have a fear of worms.
I have a fear of losing a loved one.
I have a fear of talking in large groups.
I have a fear of failure.

Well you get the point.

Anyway, as people were making their lists the gentleman sitting across from me stated “I am very schizophrenic and I don’t like your voice.” I haven’t spoken a word since being in that room. I looked at him and replied “What is it about my voice that you don’t like?” He thought for a minute and stated “Shut up and kiss me!” I calmly answered “That is not going to happen.”

The other student that was in this social interaction group with me was seriously scared about the comments made to me. She is obviously not going to go into psychiatric nursing. She doesn’t want to be left alone with any of the patients. Myself, I love it!

I know that I was just hired at the Family Recovery Center, and I do plan on staying there but man it is hard not to go and apply at the mental institution.


Super Jason said...

u are afraid of failure? u do more than 2 people combined.

MotherTucker said...

Of course I have a fear of failure. I pride myself on not failing. My world would collapse around me if I did. ;)