Thursday, July 17, 2008

Is it a masterpiece?

When I first moved to Ottumwa from Sioux City (going on two years) it was very hard for me--I left my family and friends behind. My sister and I used to spend any spare moment online chatting with each other and we found out about Doodle IMViroment that you can use on Yahoo Messanger.

We got addicted.

If you haven't used Doodle IMViroment, I seriously suggest that you do. IM me I will color with ya! Both people, in this instance it was my sister and I, get to draw at the same time. We would take turns drawing a shape and the other adding to it as we typed our IM's to each other. The one pictured above was one of our masterpieces. My sister printed it out and mailed it to me over a year and a half ago. I found it last night. It brought me as much laughter finding it as it did the day we created it.

We also play Literati (Scrabble), Word Racer, and Pool.

I want to say today ended up being a great day. I had some good news that eased my mind greatly. More on that later....just remind me!

1 comment:

DoubleJ said...

That is definitely a masterpiece! I have done the doodle imviroment a few times, it was fun. I am glad you had a great day and it ended with good news. I am leaving for the races in a few, have a great evening and weekend!