Friday, August 1, 2008

Date or else.

My adopted mom told me two days ago that I need to start dating; that either I find someone to date or she was going to.

Now with her saying this I want to know why she thinks I need to date. Am I being grouchy? I don't think so. Am I complaining of not having a guy? Sometimes...I make a few comments now and again. But why does she want me to have a guy around so bad? I don't know.

I am a fairly busy person. I go to school, work two jobs, keep up the house and yard, and I have 3 kids. Does she think I need help with something?

Anyway, it has been one of those know the kind you don't ever want to repeat. I tell you what I really wish my ex-husband would grow up slightly. There is nothing that I hate more than trying to talk to someone and they hang up because they don't like what you have said. It seriously frustrates me!

I don't ask for my ex-husband to do anything more than needed when it comes to the kids. He pays his child support and I support the kids with that money. School time comes around and I have already bought all the school clothes and supplies for my kids. I asked him to get the kids a hair cut because I am sure they need one, they have been up there all summer. And he said that he pays child support so he doesn't feel like he should have to do any extras. Can you believe that? I pay for swimming lessons, clothes, food, all of lives essentials, and I ask him to get the kids a ten dollar a piece hair cut and it is too much to ask for?

Yes, I know he pays his child support. And I am thankful for that. I have went out of my way for this guy even after we got divorced. Heck, he couldn't have bought his last car if it wasn't for me. I have been flexible with visitations to work around his needs. And a haircut was too much to ask. It's not that I don't have the money to get my kids a haircut, I'll get them a haircut, it's that my kids have been gone all summer and need a haircut and they are not here for me to take them to get one....and he is their dad.

And my adopted mom thinks that I need to date. Please.


Super Jason said...

i think u should listen to ur adopted mom. moms know best. i know the perfect person. lol

MotherTucker said...

Geez, Jason, since when do you believe that mom's know best? Oh, because it is something you want. You are a butt-head. I can't date would be like kissing a brother. Ew.

Super Jason said...

oh now i am like a brother? ouch that hurts heather. u no i would give u the moon if i could

MotherTucker said...

You truly are not being funny.

And to answer your question, yes, you are like a brother.