Friday, August 8, 2008


I talked to my aunt today, who lives in Texas and she is adamant on trying to get me to move to the large state. In fact she thinks that I should come visit and get a Texas drivers license. See if I get a drivers license now than I can move down in 6 months and be a Texas resident so I can get the in-state college rates. She has it all figured out.

Don't get me wrong, I love my aunt, and I know she is just wanting to help. She said we could live in her house and she would watch my kids while I finish my degree. Don't get me wrong she has a very nice house and it is big enough for us all. But I think I want to do this here, in Iowa.

So thinking about our conversation I started to look at the pictures from the last time Tiana and I visited her over this last Christmas.

When we were there we visited my favorite era....Medieval Times. I went there when I was 14 and was crowned the Lady of Luck for my red knight. He gave me his colors and a rose. I thought that was the most amazing thing ever. Tiana got a carnation from out yellow night this last time.

I always have fun visiting....but my home is in the good ole least for now...

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