Saturday, August 16, 2008

How long...

I have recently been asked this question to which I couldn't reply like the person wanted. The question is:

"When do you let someone meet your kids?"

My answer was:

"When I feel comfortable introducing someone to my kids."

The person that asked me this question was almost irritated about my 'vague' answer. They wanted a date or a time frame or better yet an actual number of days. I tried explaining to this person that the time frame doesn't exist in this aspect of my life. Some friends never meet my kids while others meet my kids from the start. I was interrupted because it obviously was not concerning a friend meeting kids it was a possible significant other that would be meeting kids.

All I could do was go back to my original answer. I could hear the frustration in their voice. It was not what they wanted to hear.

I'm just curious about others...when would you allow your kids to meet someone? If you don't have kids than when would you expect to meet someone else's kids?

Now, this person that asked me the question was a female friend that is irritated that the guy she is interested in hasn't introduced his kids to her yet. I told her I thought that was great on his part and that got her angry. You see, she doesn't have any kids and well thinks that they have went on a few dates this last 6 weeks and wants to meet his kids.

I calmly explained to her that if he respects his kids that much...maybe she should respect him.

I also tried explaining that if she is going to demand to meet his kids she might as well kiss whatever possible relationship there could have been.....gone. She doesn't see it the way I do so maybe it is just me. I have been wrong before...but I doubt I am now.

1 comment:

Super Jason said...

i havent met ur kids. are u trying to tell me something?