Sunday, August 10, 2008

My "shopping list"...

Do you have an ideal partner sketched out in your head? I think most of us do to some extent, I know I do. Of course honesty, intelligence, sense of humor, stability, communication, and the want to work on a relationship (whatever type of relationship this is) are on top of the traits that I look for. As you can tell looks appear nowhere on my list. I am not shallow. Obviously I am more attracted to an intelligent man with great communication skills over the man with the bod of steel. That is just me.

Now, I went a bit further with what traits that I am looking for in that potential partner. I challenge you to do the same.

Obviously I want someone that has a positive outlook in life. There is nothing worse than being around a "Negative Nancy". In this so category I would look to see that they focus on the solution rather than the problems, they see good in others and in other situations, and than they can turn a obstacle into an opportunity. A positive outlook in life rates high up there in my shopping list of a potential partner.

I'm also looking for someone that is able to keep a clean house and can handle their own finances. They hold up their end of a promise or commitment. They are timely and don't let people down. This shows that they have respect and are responsible.

I am also attracted to someone that has the want of personal growth as I do. I am always looking for a way to be a better partner and I am wanting someone that cares enough to do the same. Basically you have got to have goals for some sort of self-improvement. Nobody is perfect and everyone can improve one way or another. Life is a learning take advantage of it.

Honesty. This one is self explanatory I would think, but just in case I will explain. I want someone who is not only honest to me, but honest to themselves. No playing games....unless it is connect four. Playing games with someones feelings or emotions hurt and I will not tolerate someone who participates in those acts.

I thrive on stability. I don't think money is fact I could care less about what type of job someone long as they are stable. So I want someone who is stable in life.

Communication of feelings. I love to talk as most of you know. I spill my feelings, thoughts, wants, ideas openly. Now, I am not asking a potential partner to do the same but I would expect they can communicate with me. I may not have the answers but heck it sure does make a person feel needed and wanted if they communicate about everything. Oh, a disclaimer: I do not talk about intimate conversations with anyone else, I leave those to the bedroom.

Anyway, I get asked a lot what is it that I am looking for, and I usually rattle off honesty, communication, sense of humor, etc. I decided to go in better detail, not only for others, but for myself. I like to see things on paper.

Like I said earlier, I challenge you to do the same. Make your own shopping list for a potential partner and go in more detail. Oh, don't forgot to examine inwards to yourself.

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