Saturday, August 2, 2008

I have a question...

Can you be too committed in a relationship? Now theoretically speaking this is a realtionship with a good foundation and everything is just dandy. Do you think people over commit themselves? How? Why?

I'm just curious of what others may think. I know some of you reply back to my e-mail instead of leaving a comment and that is fine. Whatever the way I would just appreciate a response.

I think I am an over committer. Is that even a word? I won't go into my thoughts about this but I will respond to the ones that I always.

Enjoy your day!


DoubleJ said...

I think it is definitely possible to over commit in a relationship. I don't really know what normal commitment levels are though. I would like to think that I am doing things right a lot of the time but with several failed relationships, one can never be too sure. I have sometimes felt that I was putting more into the relationship then the person I was seeing but when you start keeping score, that usually means that the other person isn't putting as much in. Does any of this that I am saying make sense? I read on an advice site that once you start keeping score, it is a sign that the relationship is doomed.

MotherTucker said...

That makes complete sense. I think that is a good rule of thumb. If you are starting to keep score that is a sign of a doomed relationship.

I agree with you also on thinking that I do a lot of the 'right' things in a relationship and they seem to still fail. I am starting to point the finger at myself! lol

How was the races last night?

Super Jason said...

commit in a relationship came out of ur mouth? wow

MotherTucker said...

Jason, I am not afraid of commitment. I choose to be single. There is a huge difference.