Monday, August 11, 2008

Statistics, mexican, and shopping...

So today after my long day at clinical I ran out to get my books for my online classes for next term. Taking the classes online is going to stretch out my nursing degree a couple more semesters but I really don't have much of a choice beings I am a single mom and want to be there for my kids. Got to take the pros and the cons.

I picked up my Statistics, Art Appreciation, and Advanced Pharmacology books at the college bookstore. Now, I love math but after flipping through the pages I have become slightly intimidated. I took up to calculus in high school, so I believe that I will be fine...but that was so long ago! Statistics is transferable for my bachelors too.

After getting my books a dear friend called to invite me to a bar-b-que tomorrow, which I gratefully accepted. I am looking forward to my extra burnt new york strip. Yummy. Shortly after making plans for tomorrow a different friend asked me to supper tonight. We had some good ole mexican. MmmMmm.

I ran to the mall and ended up doing some not needed shopping. Oh well, you only live once right? That is my excuse.

I have recently decided that I am going to join the gym. I know that the kids and I will greatly benefit from having a gym membership. So at dinner tonight I did what I do now have got my friend wanting to join. Yea-I might have a partner to go with. I do plan on joining this week so hopefully if i don't kill over from my body going in to shock of exercising I will post about my triumphs and some bumps that might be in the road.


DoubleJ said...

Hi Heather, How are you doing? I am doing good here. I have been extremely busy but I will have a post about the races Saturday night up this afternoon. Have a great week!

MotherTucker said...

You are alive! I thought I was going to have to hunt you down. ;)

I understand that you have been busy. Post when you can. I love to read your blog but I completely understand about being busy. I hope when you say busy, that it is a good busy. :)

Enjoy your day!