Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Today I ate watermelon, not any watermelon, seedless watermelon. It was good.

The kids and I went to their school to meet their teachers and they had a watermelon feed. I thought it was a great way for a teacher-student introduction. It seemed everyone was enjoying themselves.

Tomorrow school starts, my kids are excited and nervous. I work so I don't get to take them for their first day of school or pick them up. That disappoints me some but I think I will live...hopefully.

I'm charging my camera so in the morning I can take pictures of the kids for their first day of school.

I never sleep well on the night before big events...


DoubleJ said...

I have never had seedless watermelon before. Is it better than the one with seeds? How was your weekend? Mine was busy LOL. I am still trying to dig out and probably wont catch up on everything until next week.

MotherTucker said...

No seedless watermelon? Wow...you lived a sheltered life. First you didn't own a magic 8 ball and now this?! Well I don't think seedless is better but it has it's pros...no black seeds. Wow, nothing like stating the obvious.

My weekend was busy but great! Thank you for asking. :) How is work and how was your big weekend of racing? I'm sure I can read your blog and visit your websites. I will do that.