Thursday, August 7, 2008

Emergency calls...

This afternoon I had received a hysterical phone call, my best friend’s son was unconscious and they were on their way to the hospital. I asked do you need me at the hospital or at the house; I was told to the house. So I went over to the house and sat with her boyfriend and her two other sons. After a bit I received a call asking me to come up to the hospital, so I did.

When I got up there everything was fine; he was up and moving around. He has a history of seizures so it is thought he had a seizure and fell of his bike. I know from personal experience it is horrific, Ian has had seizures and lost conscious too. It is a horrible feeling to have something go wrong with your child, or any child.

While I was waiting in the room one of the paramedics, that I knew, waved me in to the hallway. He asked me if everything was okay and asked me if it was my child. I explained it wasn’t but I appreciate the concern. My adopted mom came out to the hallway and said Heather, can’t I take you anywhere? I can’t take you to Wal-Mart even without someone hitting on you.

I was so embarrassed and I introduced her to the paramedic, who happens to be in nursing school with me. Oh, was all she replied and went back in the room. So of course the paramedic is giving me grief on “not being able to take me anywhere”. I’ll never live this down. It was funny though, embarrassing, but funny.

Kids are precious and times like this makes me appreciate my kids so very much more.

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