Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth...

I feel angry...yup...my emotions are getting the best of me tonight.

My ex-husband is flat out refusing to bring my kids home. I have went all summer with out seeing them and I was super excited on seeing them when I got off work on Thursday.

He is telling me that he is not bringing them home and that I can drive up and get them. He states he pays too much in child support so he is not going to make the drive.

I have tried since Friday to get a hold of my kids and he won't let me talk to them. He refuses to call me back and won't respond to any text messages concerning my want and right to talk to my kids.

At the beginning of the summer we made an arrangement that he was going to drop the kids off at the end of the summer. He knew this and agreed to it.

I won't be able to pick up my kids on Thursday because I work and so I will have to make the trip on Friday, my youngest child's birthday.

It just makes me so angry that he is this way all the time. I am not perfect, far from it, but I do know I put my kids first and I am a good mom. To see this man do the opposite is just disappointing.

How do I know he can't afford the trip? I don't. I assume and that is wrong on my part. He has a two income home and she also receives child support. It's just me here. He races stock cars, gets new toys all the time, and I feel like I make all the necessary sacrifices to give my kids a better life.

On the flip side I will be able to see my family and friends if I make the trip up to Sioux City. I will be able to go to my favorite place in the world...the tattoo shop. My dad has my graduation present up there that he wants to give me. So it wouldn't be a bad thing to make the trip. It's more of the way my ex-husband goes around to do this sort of thing; like last minute with a side of guilt.

Anyway, supposedly he is getting a lawyer which means we will be going to court again.

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