Friday, August 15, 2008

Busy day.

The kids and I got up fairly early to conquer all of the running we had to get done today. We got most of it accomplished. The kids got hair cuts, new shoes, birthday cake, and a great night of swimming.

We just got back from Family Fun Night at the Y. On Friday's they have open swim with either a huge air-filled elephant or alligator or a rock wall that you fall off into the water. Tonight it was the rock wall.

There was only one other family in the pool tonight and of course the one lifeguard. My kids attempted that rock wall all night...and got pretty high up. We raced and played basketball and than I decided to check how far my kids can swim underwater. All three kids made it from the deep end to the shallow....which is a long way. In fact the lifeguard came up to me and asked me how long my kids were in swimming which I replied I taught my kids to swim myself. They did swimming lessons at the Y about 3-4 months ago and they were bored because it was under their skills. The lifeguard recommended that the kids take private lessons....hmm. He stated that normally private lessons accommodate 2 kids but he would make an exception and give lessons to all 3.

The kids got about 3/4 of the way up the rock wall and could not get that final stretch. My daughter can make it up to the top on the normal rock wall, but she had trouble with this one. I cheered them on and even tried to bribe them with ice cream if they could touch the top. Nobody could make it and not because of lack of effort though.

It was a great night and tomorrow the kids want to go play basketball and afterwards a movie and ice cream.

It is funny how hearing my kids playing and feeling their hugs can make me feel so important and so loved. I am so thankful to be their mom, they are great kids.


Super Jason said...

sounds like u guys had a good nite. so do u need a gym partner?

MotherTucker said...

We had a great night and we are going to attempt Family Night again!

I don't go regularly so it would be to hard to make arrangments with someone to partner up with.