Saturday, August 16, 2008

Feeding the ducks.

This morning I got up and mowed. I guess I didn't know how difficult it was going to be with my kids. They were shooting me with water guns, Nerf guns, and of course running circles around me. At least the mowing got done.

We all got cleaned up and ran and rented a movie and I ended up buying four others. After picking out movies we went to Wal-Mart to get some popcorn, water, juice, and ice cream. As soon as we got everything put away we took a walk around the neighborhood and up to the kids school.

As we approach the school I hear someone yelling my name, hmm, I don't know too many people, I turn around and it was a lady that I work with at the hospital. I felt a bit stupid for not recognizing her. I tell you I am really bad at remembering people or names.

The kids and I walked back home and ate some cake and ice cream than sat down to watch a movie together. My daughter picked out 27 dresses. If you know me I am not into the girlie-girl movies. I will watch them and smile or laugh. All it did was make me want to plan my next ridiculous is that?

My best friend stopped by with a present for Dalton. He received a metal detector. I got it put together and off the kids went. They didn't get out the door yet and the thing was going insane. The kids thought they hit the jackpot and I had to break the news that they were on the door jam. That's my kids. It made both my friend and I laugh.

My kids are now sleeping and I am just relaxing with my bud light. It's been a great weekend.

1 comment:

Super Jason said...

ha ha ur kids are funny shooting u with water guns. i wouldve love to see that.