Sunday, August 10, 2008

Life sucks... get it over it.

We all have been around and some even have been one of those people that go around stating and restating how bad life is. My advice to these attention seeking people....get over it...stop looking for pity. Everyone has rough times in life. Now, I think I said it harshly. It is okay to vent or talk to a friend when you are down in the dumps or depressed, but when all you do is go around and play that sad song on the violin....err...that just gets to me.

Life is not out to get 'revenge' on people. I have had a few crappy years in my life, and I am expecting that I will have a few more. Fact: Life is not fair. So when you start feeling sorry for yourself, simply, STOP and realize some of the good that you do have. Believe it or not there is someone out there that has a worse life. Everyone has positives about themselves, some are hilarious, some are intelligent, some are great communicators, etc. You have something great about yourself. And to someone you might be a huge influence. Everyone matters to someone.

Now I am guilty of this times a million. I live my life for others most of the time. This is different than doing something for someone else. I am finally realizing. You have got to figure out what it is important for you in life; get to know yourself. Yes, I know my friends, family, kids, co workers better than I know myself, most of the time. I live to make people happy. Now I just have to shift that a bit to make sure I am living my life for me. In a nut shell, take care of yourself or you can't take care of anyone else.

If you find yourself comparing your life to someone else, remember you never know what goes on behind closed doors. They may not be as happy as you think. They may have a huge house, fancy car but could be on the verge of bankruptcy. It is all on how a person portrays themselves.

Whenever you hear yourself thinking a negative comment about yourself try and instantly replace it with a positive one. Just don't get lost in self-pity. Remember you have the ability to change your outlook and your situation-it sometimes just takes work or change.

I write this today because I, myself, was starting to play the old violin, and decided not to. I enjoy life to much to get down over something so trivial.

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