Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why do people lie?

I'm curious, and please answer, why is it that people lie? I will be honest, I have lied a time or two in my day, and I probably will again. My lies are not huge lies, they are just little ones like "Oh, I like that shirt." I don't go off the deep and and say I'm not dating someone when I am or vice versa.

Why is it people think that it is easier to tell a lie than to tell the truth? If you met someone new, would you lie to your significant other and make up some other reason to break it off or would you just explain that you met someone new?

Would you tell someone that you liked them but only a few days later withdraw that notion?

Do you tell your friends that you are going to be there and you are not?

Do people lie because it is easier for them or they may think it is easier for the other person? Or maybe they lie to fit in. Or because they don't want to let someone down.

Why are some of the reasons I have lied? Good question.

I have lied to spare someones feelings. Go back to the "Oh, I like that shirt", does that really effect the person that I lied?

I have lied to spare myself from getting lectured. "No, I didn't go out of town." It was easier to just pretend it didn't happen than to endure a 3 hour lecture about how dangerous it was.

Anyway, no matter the reason of lying and I know everyone has lied, but my question now is how did lying make you feel?

I have always felt like I betrayed someone or belittled their intelligence. To me it just isn't worth it. I like to talk way too much to be able to keep lies straight anyway!

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