Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Testing, testing...

I'm nervous, I just booked my hotel for Monday in Des Moines.

Tuesday I have my nursing boards. I really do not know why I am posting this; I mean if I fail my boards you will all know now. Whoa...a big ole reality check.

A friend and I decided to make our testing times for the nursing boards at the same time that way we can get a room on Monday and Tuesday not make the drive to take that big scary test. Smart, I know.

Anyway, it is less than a week away and I haven't studied at all! That is a huge confidence booster! Ha ha! I work all this week so I am sure that I won't get much studying done but maybe I can study a bit this weekend...I'm not scheduled to work.

So Tuesday at 8 am I need everyone to cross their fingers for me. Passing my nursing boards is the only question that I haven't asked my magic 8ball. Hmm...

Dun, dun, dun...


Super Jason said...

ur smart u will do fine. its ok to be nervous.

MotherTucker said...

Thanks Jason, I appreciate that. :)
I might be smart but nursing is such a broad subject it is hard to grasp ahold of everything...and well the test can be over ANYTHING!