Sunday, August 3, 2008

Is there gold at the end of the rainbow?

Well, I called the lady who makes the hospital schedule today; she bluntly asked me if I could work days. Are you kidding me? I would LOVE to work days over second shift. Not only that she gave me a heads up that a full time position, days, is available and if I want it to call the boss tomorrow and fill out a piece of paper and it can be mine.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't think I would ever get days. That saves me so much in daycare and time away from my kids. It's been a hectic summer but I do believe the sun is shinning now.

Hopefully I get a hold of the boss in the morning to tell her I want it. If I end up getting the full time position I might be quitting my other job...I can only hope!

Now, of course, I'm trying not to count my chickens before they hatch....but it isn't easy to do.

I must consult my magic 8 ball....


DoubleJ said...

Good luck, I hope you get the full time day job! That would be great for you! Also, don't forget, if you ask the 8ball and it doesn't give you the answer you want, just shake it and ask again LOL! Have a great week!

MotherTucker said...

Ah, I never reshake the 8ball. haha ;)

"You can count on it" is what my answer was when I asked if I was going to get the full time day shift. Now, I won't be running and quitting my other job just yet. ;) lol

Thanks James, you have a great week yourself.

DoubleJ said...

Hi Heather, how are you doing today? Did you get it?

MotherTucker said...

Has my magic 8 ball ever lead me the wrong way? Yup, I got the job!!! Now I will more than likely be the most hated employee; getting days without them posting the job up for bids. I don't care I will win them over one by one with my good looks and personality. HAHA!

Thank you.

How is your day?

DoubleJ said...

Congratulations on getting the daytime hours! My Dad told me a saying about being hated at work, "You go to work for a paycheck, not to make friends!" LOL I am glad to finally be able to say that to someone else;) You will win them over! My day was good, thank you. It is 91 degrees in the shade here right now, I am in the AC and getting ready to watch TV in a few.

MotherTucker said...

Your dad is a wise man. My mom used to say that to me too! I think that is what school taught them back than. A lot of one-liners to tell your kids. But it is true...I am going to work for a paycheck and not to make friends...but if I happen to make a friend it is an added bonus. ;)

I agree it was a hot and humid day. I feel extremely sorry for anyone that has to work in this heat. Drink lots of water!

Stay cool!