Thursday, August 7, 2008

Down to one...job that is...

Last night I went to work a bit early to explain my situation to one of the managers...I went in to quit. I, of course, gave my notice and explained I will be there to finish my schedule.

With getting the full time day position I don't want to work an additional part time job and go to school. I explained I went and am going to school in health care, and I couldn't pass up the great opportunity of not only getting the hospital job but working days as a single mom...I can be with my kids.

The manager that I talked to congratulated me and told me that they understood and they appreciate that I will finish out my schedule. I clocked in and told myself I wasn't going to tell any of my co-workers. About a hour later a different manager came up to me in front of my co-workers and said we are going to miss you here are you sure you can't work a couple of days a week or every other weekend. I, again, explained my job offer from the hospital and how I could not turn down that opportunity. I was asked to come talk to the managers on Friday, my day off, I agreed to do so. After that I heard something about my leaving every 15 minutes from my co-workers. The majority of them wished me the best of luck and congratulated me on my job offer.

This brings me to I hate quitting a job. I always get nervous and somehow feel that I am letting someone down. I know that the job will go on without me, I am only one person. The 15-20 hours a week that I was there can easily be replaced.

On another note, and more importantly, my kids come home in 1 week! This summer has gone quickly and I am down to my final countdown on my kids returning home. They are just as excited as I am.

We have got a lot to get done before school starts. In fact I went down to make sure that everything was okay with the kids transfer to the new school, and it was. I just am over anal about checking and rechecking things. I was explained that the teachers list will be posted on the 15th and on the 19th there is going to be "meet your teacher" night with a big watermelon feed. So I am sure the kids and I will go and participate. I like to participate in as many of the school activities that I can throughout the year.

I think tonight...fresh squeezed lemonade and a good book. Nothing like enjoying a summer night.


DoubleJ said...

I am so glad that things are going great for you Heather. You definitely deserve it! 1 week until your kids are back, are you ready? :) That is nice that they tried to talk you into staying on a few days a week or weekends and you are leaving on good terms. I have left my last 2 jobs on bad terms LOL. This one that I have now has lasted for 12 years so far, but if it does end, it will be on bad terms:) Enjoy your lemonade and your book!

MotherTucker said...

Twelve years, holy moly. I don't know if I can dedicate myself to one job that long. LOL Longest job for me was six years!

Well it is easy to leave on bad terms. I have done so in the past myself.

I am truly ready for my kids to be's down to the last week and man I am on edge! LOL

Super Jason said...

u quitter. lol glad u did u were always busy. do what is best for u