Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bye-bye plastic

Today I had to run to the bank to cancel and reissue a debit card. I don’t know what it is about misplacing that specific piece of plastic, but I have been doing so often this last year. In fact I have prided myself of never losing anything of the sort. Now, in the last 12 months this is the 6th time I lost my bank card. What is going on? Can I seriously be misplacing that card every 2 months? I guess so.

I haven’t lost anything else, checks, credit cards, license, social security cards, they are still there. What is it about my ocean scene bankcard that I keep losing it? Anyway I should have a new card in a week they said. Good thing I can keep my same pin because losing it that often I don’t know how I would keep track of what pin to use.

I hope that everyone enjoys their weekend. I get to work. I also might clean the basement, hopefully…well maybe…we will see.


DoubleJ said...

Hi Heather, how are you doing? You got to keep a better grip on those debit cards. I have lost one in 6 years :) It is way better to use one of those then to have to carry cash every where, especially in a crappy crime town like Springfield, IL LOL.
I took my nephew to the WWE wrestling at the convention center in Springfield last night and we had a blast. He made a John Cena sign and Cena looked up and pointed at him. It made his night. I am off to the races in a few, we are running Go-Karts and 4Cylinders tonight. Have a great weekend!

Super Jason said...

u lost ur card again? u better keep better tabs on it