What is true love? That is the question that a friend asked me today. It’s hard to describe love in words--none seem to quite fit. I mean words don’t seem to be able to express the feeling of love. I can say that any love is true. If you love someone—wouldn’t it be true?
I believe love is finding harmony, support and comfort in someone’s arms.
I believe that love is a great feeling of being accepted and belonging to someone’s world and accepting them in yours. That there is a permanent smile in your heart.
Love equals life. Life with someone and for that someone; when nothing else matters and yet everything does.
Confused yet? Love is being happy, but not for yourself— but for the other person. Sometimes this means letting go to let the other person be happy.
A person that is so extraordinary and spectacular that when they look at you they touch your very soul. They can speak to your heart with just a smile. Thier kiss makes the world seem to stand still.
When this person smiles at you they speak to your heart--you know everything is going to be okay.
Love is when you prefer to be together through hard times rather than having it easy separately.
It is fighting for what you think is right for the both of you. It is holding on and hanging in each time things go wrong. It is supporting each other in the smallest and biggest of decisions or actions. Love is standing by when the whole world turns its back to you. It is being there even if they didn’t ask you. Love is knowing that they would do the same.
Love equals power.
Love gives the power to someone to destroy you, to hurt you, to break your heart, but
trusting them not to. No matter what goes on or how badly you fight or what mistakes you make, you will love that one person without question.
Love is finding someone who is your friend, your partner, someone who is the right fit for you. This someone will touch your life so intensely and gives you a whole new reason to breathe. They will give you a reason to dream at night, a reason to wake each morning, a reason to live.
This person will make you smile when you want to cry. They will want to hear your voice before you fall asleep. They will understand you and love your quirks. They will believe in you. They will accept you. They will understand your imperfections. They will tell you daily how they feel. This person will be with you regardless of anything---nothing would matter as they would want to be there for you.
Love is a
big responsibility. It is communicating; sharing thoughts, cares, concerns, wants, needs, emotions, and listening. Now don’t get me wrong. Love is a whole lot of work. It doesn’t come easy. You have to overcome challenges---fight to be together.
Love means to hold on and not to let go. Love does not just happen. You can find love but you have to work hard to keep it--to make it a beautiful union.
If both people work for love you can have it for a lifetime.After talking to my friend about what true love means to me. I did a lot of thinking—a lot of deep down thinking. I want to put my heart, my soul, my energy in to love as love is what makes the world go ‘round.