Thursday, April 15, 2010

Irritating, confusion, and dizziness...

This morning started with a mandatory meeting at the Bridgeview Center. Nothing of importance was mentioned. The hospital still doesn't know the new benefit package we will be receiving with the new company that purchased us. I can say this is slightly irritating as the sale was supposed to be completed March 31st and now is expected April 30th. Regardless we were told that in the next week or two we should know our new benefits.

After the meeting I went to work and you could feel the tension in the air from co-workers. It was one of those days that I was afraid to speak as someone was going to fly off the handle---and they did. Everyone at work is stressed out with the sell of the hospital as it means we have to discharge and readmit all of our clients. Which means long hours and lots of paperwork.

On a totally different note I receive a text from my bank that I had a deposit into my account. Confused as I wasn't expecting a deposit and more so over the amount. I logged into the online banking to see a child support payment of $26.73 was deposited in my account. I log on to child support recovery to see what is going on and I discovered that my first ex husband made his first child support payment. I thought that was a very unusual amount, but oh well.

Today is one of those days that I want to spin in circles till I become dizzy and than fall back in a bed of grass and laugh. Yup, that is what I am going to do after supper.

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