Sunday, April 25, 2010


Dalton asked me if we can plant a tree. I thought why not? I researched trees and narrowed down the types that I am interested in.

The White Dogwood is by far my favorite.

The Tulip Tree is a close second.

The Red Bud ranks up there too.

So a friend and my boys went to Menards to see what kind of trees that they have. None of the ones I am looking for. I have decided I might have to order one to be delivered. Which is fine. At least than I will have one that I want.

I love Menards. I can browse through there for hours. I can look at anything from sinks to fences and everything in between. I picked out a few things that I wanted but as I have been thinking that I think it is about time to relocate.

Anyway, as we walked around the store Dalton started asking me questions---random questions. He asked me why I don't have a boyfriend. My friend laughed hysterically. I tried to tell Dalton that it was not the time or the place to have that discussion. He didn't accept that and my friend said "Dalton maybe you should find your mom one."

Dalton took this literally. I have never been so embarassed in my life. Seriously. Dalton is not a shy person. I am going shopping alone for awhile.

Regardless, we left Menards without a tree---well without anything.

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